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They will undergo an acid base reaction and the products would be calcium chloride, calcium chlorate and water.

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When chlorine gas is passed over calcium hydroxide, calcium hypochlorite is formed along with water. This is a reaction that forms a white solid precipitate.

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Q: What happens when chlorine gas is passed over calcium hydroxide?
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What happen when chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime?

When chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime, it reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the lime to form calcium hypochlorite, which is a bleaching agent and disinfectant. This reaction also releases heat and forms calcium chloride and water as byproducts.

What happens when electricity is passed through brine?

Passing electricity through brine (saltwater solution) can result in the electrolysis of water, producing hydrogen gas at the cathode and chlorine gas at the anode. The sodium ions in the brine remain in solution. This process is used industrially to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through slaked lime?

When carbon dioxide is passed through slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), calcium carbonate is formed. This reaction is called carbonation and it can be used to remove carbon dioxide from gas streams in industrial processes. The calcium carbonate forms as a solid precipitate, which can be easily removed from the system.

What happens when excess Chlorine is passed through boiling toluene?

When excess chlorine is passed through boiling toluene, chlorination of the toluene molecule can occur. This reaction can lead to the introduction of chlorine atoms into the benzene ring of toluene, resulting in the formation of chlorinated derivatives of toluene. These derivatives can have different properties and reactivity compared to the original toluene molecule.

What happens when chlorine is passed through boiling toluene?

Electrophilic halogenation

Related questions

What happens when chlorine gas is passed through calcium hydroxide?

When chlorine gas is passed through calcium hydroxide, it reacts to form calcium hypochlorite, calcium chloride, and water. The chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 → Ca(ClO)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O. This is a common method used to produce calcium hypochlorite, which is commonly used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant.

What happen when chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime?

When chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime, it reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the lime to form calcium hypochlorite, which is a bleaching agent and disinfectant. This reaction also releases heat and forms calcium chloride and water as byproducts.

What happens when excess of CO2 is passed through lime vessel?

When excess CO2 is passed through a lime vessel, it reacts with the lime (CaO) to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) through a process called carbonation. This reaction removes the excess CO2 from the system and produces calcium carbonate as a white precipitate.

What happens when chlorine gas is passed through lime water?

When chlorine gas is passed through lime water, it reacts with the water to form hypochlorous acid. This reaction causes the lime water to turn milky due to the formation of calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide.

What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium hydroxide solution?

When carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium hydroxide solution, calcium carbonate is formed as a white precipitate. This reaction is a classic example of a neutralization reaction, where carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide to form calcium carbonate and water. The equation for this reaction is: CO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O

What does CO2 and lime water make?

When carbon dioxide reacts with lime water (calcium hydroxide solution), it forms a white precipitate of calcium carbonate. This reaction is commonly used as a test for the presence of carbon dioxide gas.

What happens when electricity is passed through brine?

Passing electricity through brine (saltwater solution) can result in the electrolysis of water, producing hydrogen gas at the cathode and chlorine gas at the anode. The sodium ions in the brine remain in solution. This process is used industrially to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

What happens when electric current is passed through fused sodium chloride?

During this electrolysis are obtained chlorine and sodium.

Why does milk disappear when carbon dioxide is passed in access?

When carbon dioxide is passes into lime water (a solution of calcium hydroxide) an insoluble precipitate of calcium carbonate is produced this is composed of tiny particles that cause the milkiness.Ca(OH)2 +CO2 -> CaCO3 +H2OWhen excess carbon dioxide is passed in this produces some carbonic acid, H2CO3 that reacts with the calcium carbonate to produce soluble calcium hydrogen carbonate, (calcium bicarbonate).CO2 +H2O -> H2CO3H2CO3 + CaCO3 -> Ca(HCO3)2

What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through lime water in small amount?

A slurry of calcium carbonate is formed.

What observed when air is passed into fresh lime water through injection answer in chemistry?

Calcium hydroxide react with traces of carbon dioxide from the air, forming the white insoluble in water calciun carbonate.

What metal reacts with water to give a solution which forms a white precipitate with carbon dioxide?

Calcium. It reacts with water to form a solution of calcium hydroxide which can then react with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate, a white precipitate. You will get similar results with strontium and barium.