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When electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb, the filament becomes very hot and starts to emit light due to the process of incandescence. The electricity heats up the filament to a high temperature, causing it to glow and produce light.

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Q: What happens when electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb?
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What happens to the filament when electricity flows through?

When electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb, it heats up due to resistance, becoming white-hot and producing visible light. This light is what we see when we turn on a light bulb.

What happens if the filament breaks?

If the filament in a light bulb breaks, the circuit is interrupted and the light bulb will no longer illuminate. This is because the broken filament is unable to produce light when electricity flows through it.

Property of the filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through it?

Incandescence. The filament is heated by the electricity moving through it, this causes the filament to heat up, and the heat causes the familiar glow.

What happens in a burning light bulb?

In a burning light bulb, electricity flows through a filament, which heats up due to resistance and emits light. The filament becomes white hot and glows, illuminating the surroundings.

When electricity flows through the metal filament of a light bulb electrical energy is converted to?

Heat, which then produces light.

What is the job of the filament?

The filament in an incandescent light bulb is responsible for producing light when electricity flows through it. It heats up and emits light as a result of the electrical current passing through it.

What is the inside of the light bulb called?

The inside of a light bulb is called the filament, which is typically made of tungsten. When electricity flows through the filament, it heats up and produces light through incandescence.

What happens to the energy when you turn on an electric lamp?

When you turn on an electric lamp, electrical energy is converted into light energy and heat energy. The electrical energy flows through the lamp's filament, causing it to heat up and emit light. Some energy is also lost as heat due to resistance in the lamp's circuit.

What happens to energy from electricity when you turn on an electric lamp?

When you turn on an electric lamp, the electricity flows through the lamp's circuit, causing the bulb's filament to heat up and emit light. The electrical energy is converted into light energy and heat energy.

What provides the energy to light a light bulb?

Electricity provides the energy to light a light bulb. When the electricity flows through the filament in the bulb, it generates heat and light.

What is the property of the filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through?

the simple answer is resistance, the filament is a very fine wire (usually tungsten) that heats up and glows when power is applied

What is the property of filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through it?

the simple answer is resistance, the filament is a very fine wire (usually tungsten) that heats up and glows when power is applied