

Light Bulbs and Artificial Lighting

Artificial lighting has become standard in the homes and companies of most countries. It is used for concert effects, growing food, and reading a book in bed at night.

2,281 Questions

Do lava lamps have light bulbs?

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Yes. The light bulb is usually in the base. Above the bulb, sits the container holding the wax and water mixture. It's the heat from the bulb that forms currents in the water, and makes the wax pliable so it floats and sinks.

What is the warmest light bulb?

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Incandescent light bulbs are usually considered the warmest type of light bulbs. They produce a warm, yellowish light that is similar to traditional firelight.

How was the first light bulb made and why?

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The first practical light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. It was made by passing electricity through a thin filament inside a glass bulb, causing it to glow and produce light. Edison's invention was significant because it provided a more efficient and longer-lasting alternative to previous lighting technologies, such as gas lamps.

How much co2 is produced by a light bulb left on for 35 hours?

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The amount of CO2 produced would depend on the type of light bulb and its wattage. As a general estimate, an incandescent bulb (60W) would produce approximately 0.9 kg of CO2 if left on for 35 hours, while an LED bulb (10W) would produce about 0.15 kg of CO2.

Who sold the light bulb first?

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Thomas Edison is credited with selling the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb in 1879. However, other inventors like Humphry Davy and Joseph Swan also contributed to the development of the light bulb.

How did people get light before the light bulb?

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Before the light bulb, people used candles, oil lamps, gas lamps, and lanterns to provide light. These light sources were fueled by materials such as tallow, whale oil, kerosene, and gas. Additionally, people relied on natural light sources during the day, such as sunlight and fire.

What is the highest watt light bulb that there is?

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As of now, the highest wattage light bulb available for commercial use is 500 watts. However, there are specialty bulbs that can reach higher wattages, but they are not typically used in households due to their energy consumption and heat output.

How long does a night light bulb last when used continously?

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A night light bulb typically lasts around 1,000 to 2,000 hours when used continuously. This can vary depending on the type and quality of the bulb.

Who was the first man to discover the light bulb?

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Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first practical light bulb. While Edison is often associated with the invention, it is important to note that the creation of the light bulb was the result of incremental improvements on earlier designs by other inventors.

What do colors look like viewed indoors under fluorescent light and outdoors in sunlight?

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Colors may appear brighter and cooler under fluorescent light indoors, as fluorescent light emits a bluish light which can affect color perception. Outdoors in sunlight, colors appear more natural and vibrant, as sunlight provides a full spectrum of light that accurately represents colors.

Where would you find filament?

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Filament for 3D printers can be found online through various retailers such as Amazon, MatterHackers, or filament manufacturers' websites. Many local electronics stores or specialty 3D printing shops also carry a selection of filaments.

What types of lighting will obscure texture in bright areas A.side lighting B.edge lighting C.back lighting D.oblique lighting?

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C. back lighting. Back lighting may create glare and shadows that can obscure texture or details in bright areas because it illuminates the subject from behind, often causing the texture to be less visible due to the strong contrast between light and shadow.

Who improved light bulb?

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Lewis Latimer improved the light bulb.

Why are incandescent light bulbs being phased out in Australia?

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Incandescent light bulbs are being phased out in Australia due to their inefficiency in energy consumption and high greenhouse gas emissions. The government aims to promote the use of more energy-efficient lighting options, such as LED bulbs, to reduce electricity bills for consumers and lower the environmental impact of lighting.

What type of light bulbs are the dome lights?

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Dome lights typically use incandescent or LED light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs produce light through a wire filament heated by an electric current, while LED bulbs use light-emitting diodes to emit light more efficiently. LED bulbs are becoming more common due to their energy efficiency and longer lifespans.

Who was the first person to discover light bulb?

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Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first practical light bulb in 1879. While there were others who contributed to the development of electric lighting, Edison's version was the first to be widely distributed and commercially successful.

What is used to capture light in phocynthesis?

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Pigments such as chlorophyll are used to capture light in photosynthesis. These pigments absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy, which is used to drive the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Who created the glass topper light bulb?

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The glass topper light bulb was patented by Thomas Edison in 1879. He developed the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb, which featured a carbon filament housed in a glass bulb with a glass tip to create a vacuum inside.

What is the record for a light bulb lasting?

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The longest-lasting light bulb is known as the Centennial Light in California, USA, which has been continuously burning for over 120 years. It is housed in a fire station and is considered to be one of the oldest working light bulbs in the world.

What element is a noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures?

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The noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures is typically argon. Argon helps prevent the filament from burning out too quickly in light bulbs and provides a stable environment for processing photographic film.

What is the efficiency of a filament bulb that produces 100 j and a fluorescent bulb that prduces 10 j?

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The efficiency of a device is calculated as the ratio of useful energy output to total energy input. For the filament bulb producing 100 J, if its input energy is 120 J, the efficiency will be 100/120 = 0.833 or 83.3%. For the fluorescent bulb producing 10 J, if its input energy is 30 J, the efficiency will be 10/30 = 0.333 or 33.3%. Thus, the efficiency of the filament bulb is higher.

How Will the Light bulb Evolve in the Future?

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In the future, light bulbs are likely to become more energy efficient, longer lasting, and more adaptable to smart technology. This could include advancements such as LED technology, connected lighting systems, and integration with smart home devices for enhanced control and energy savings. Overall, the focus will be on sustainability, efficiency, and user convenience.

What are the twisty light bulbs?

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Twisty light bulbs refer to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) that have a spiral shape. These bulbs are energy-efficient and produce light by sending electricity through a tube containing argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. They are commonly used as a more sustainable alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs.