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Q: What happens when intercourse occurs in the rear end for male and females?
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What causes male humans to be male?

It happens in sexual intercourse. If the sperm is a male and the egg is female it will be male but if both are female, it will be female!

Is oocyte production continuous from puberty to death in females?

No it stops in females after menopause occurs. Male production continues until death.

How does a crcodile reproduce?

Sexual Intercourse. Male Crocodiles are usually heavier than females, so the female needs to be able to sustain the male's weight when he is on top.

Does meiosis occur in males or females?

there is no difference between the meosis in males and females.

Do females enjoy sex?

Yes, for sure Intercourse sex as well as oral sex are enjoyable to both the male and the female.

Is patent urachus repair more common in males or females?

The condition occurs three times more often in male infants than in females.

Can 18 year old male teens get pregnant?

No, males can not get pregnant. Only females can get pregnant. However, you can get a female pregnant if you have sexual intercourse.

What does it mean when a dogs penis is swollen and the penis is black on the tip?

This typically means that the dog is in the mid-process of pregnitation. Male dogs have a hormone that allows them to become female, called the hifindale-6 hormone. This usually happens when the male dog is not surrounded by females much and needs sexual intercourse.

How do you pronounce hormones?

Hawr-mohn It sounds like Hor=Whore Mone=Moan(like male or females moan during sexual intercourse)

If one female has intercourse with another female will one of them get pregnant?

No. Pregnancy is not possible between two females through intercourse. Pregnancy requires both sperm and egg. Males create sperm. Females create eggs. That's virtually the core defining difference between what the words male and female mean.

Which contains the sperm cell or male cell?

Contains by a male before intercourse and by a female after intercourse

How does seahorse fertilization happen?

Seahorses reproduce sexually, with the male seahorses fertilizing the females' eggs. After fertilization occurs. the females transfer the eggs to the males, who keep the eggs stored in a pouch until hatching.