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it may goes oxidation

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Q: What happens when iron nails are dipped in water in a test tube for a week?
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What happen when iron nails are dipped in water in test tube for week?

If iron nails are left dipped in water in a test tube for a week, they are likely to undergo a chemical reaction called corrosion. Corrosion occurs when iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of water, forming a reddish-brown iron oxide known as rust. Over time, the nails will become covered in rust and may eventually weaken or deteriorate.

What happens when CuSO4 dissolves in water and then Fe dipped in it?

The iron piece become covered with a layer of copper.

Will nails rust in water?

Nails do not rust in water. Nails only rust in water if oxygen is present. This is because the iron in nails react with oxygen and water to form a compound called hydrated iron(III) oxide.

What happens with gold dipped in iron sulphate solution?

Nothing. Gold is a noble metal- it is not displaced by iron.

How does tap water rust iron nails?

Water from the tap or drinknig fountain will rust iron,

How does saltwater make nails rust?

Any water makes iron rust. Rust is iron oxide. It happens when water allows the oxygen to dissolve in it and get to the surface of the metal. Salt water has dissolve salts in it which makes it work faster.

What are iron nails?

iron nails are nails made up of iron

What is the Name the change that takes place when iron nail is dipped in water?


What happens to the weight of an iron nail after 3 days in salt water?

The iron rusts. It absorbs oxygen from the water to form iron oxide. So it gets heavier.

When magnet is dipped or kept in water does it lose its power of attraction?

Not until the iron rusts.

Why does the color of copper sulphate change when an iron nail dipped in it?

When an iron nail is placed in a copper sulphate solution, iron displaces copper from copper sulphate solution forming iron sulphate, which is green in colour.Therefore, the blue colour of copper sulphate solution fades and green colour appears.

Why do dry nails not rust?

Rusting of iron needs the presence of water.