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Q: What happens when light waves interacts with water?
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What happens to light waves when they hit the water?

They bounce off it to the sky, hence the blue sky.

What happens when there is reflection in light waves?

That means that the light waves rebound, and change direction.

Are light waves and water waves examples of transverse waves?

Yes (but not sound in water)

What is the fastest way to send information using sound waves light waves or water waves?

Light waves

What happens when light waves get reflected?

The light waves bounce off the surface and travel in a new direction

What are 3 catigories of waves?

water waves, light waves, and sound waves

What happens to the light wave after it stikes the mirror?

what happens when you direct light waves at an angle into a mirror

How are water waves and light waves the same?


How are light waves and water waves the same?


What are two examples of transvere waves?

Water waves and light waves.

What makes ocean waves light up with a blue green light at night?

I believe when this happens there is phosphorus in the water, I'm not sure how it gets there though.

What happens when transverse electromagnetic waves encounter cavity?

light waves or electromagnetic waves are transverse and sound waves are longitudinal