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Matter, when increasing in energy, can change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas, giving the molecules of the matter more movement and ability to move away from other molecules.

Solids are the least energized state of matter, in which the matter is in a constant, stable place around other molecules and can only vibrate. They have both constant volume and shape

When Solids melt, they turn into 'unstuck' liquids that have constant volume but not constant shape.

When liquids evaporate, they transform into a state that allows free movement of each molecule, creating gas. This state has no definite volume nor shape.

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Q: What happens when matter changes state?
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When matter changes its state what happens?

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It means that although it changes, no new substances are formed. Examples of such changes are melting and other state changes, and dissolving.

What Matter changes state because of?

Matter changes state because of pressure and temperature.

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With the help of some physical and chemical processes matter changes its state. Like using heating , cooling etc we can change the state of matter,

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This change in the state of matter (liquid to solid) is called freezing.This change in the state of matter (solid to liquid) is called melting.They are physical change, the chemical nature of the molecules is not changed.

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The density changes.

Matter changes state because of?

Matter changes state because of temperature and pressure. These quantities bring change.

When matter changes state does become a different kind of substance?

Changes of state of matter are physical processes, the molecule remain unchanged.

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another it is call?

When a substance changes from one state of matter to another it is called changing its state. Temperature changes are usually the main cause of this change.