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They get colder.

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13y ago
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1w ago

When molecules lose energy, they slow down and may undergo a phase change, such as from a gas to a liquid or a liquid to a solid. This change in energy levels can also affect the molecular interactions and properties, such as temperature and chemical reactivity.

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12y ago

It cools the water and heats the atmosphere.

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14y ago

It freezes

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ryan hadfield

Lvl 2
3y ago

they stop moving

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Q: What happens when molecules lose energy?
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will be transformed into kinetic energy

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the molecules freeze and it turns to the freezing point

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What happens when organic molecules decompose?

energy is released

What happens to a sample of matter when its particles lose kinetic energy?

A loss of kinetic energy in the atoms or molecules of a sample of matter will result in the cooling of the sample. That sample will get colder as remove thermal energy from it. The atoms/molecules of a substance have kinetic energy associated with them. This kinetic energy is the result of atomic and/or molecular motion. As a sample of matter cools, the atoms and/or molecules will lose mobility. Loss of mobility and vibrational energy, which are forms of kinetic energy, will become apparent when thermal energy is removed from the sample.