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Sea bed spreading.

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Cheyanne Tremblay

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Q: What happens when oceanic and continental plates diverge?
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Oceanic plates diverge?

When oceanic plates diverge an underwater earthquake is the result. Oceanic earthquakes often result in disastrous Tsunamis.

When 2 continental plates diverge a forms.?

When 2 continental plates diverge, a __ forms.

What causes two continental plates to diverge?

An earth quake. This happens because the vibrations force the plates apart

Why are oceanic plates lower than continental plates?

Because continental plates are denser than oceanic. That is why oceanic and continental plates cause subduction zones.

What happens at the boundary between the oceanic and continental plates?

Zombie apocalypse.

Name two types of tectonic plates?

The two types of tectonic plates are continental and oceanic.

Compare and contrast the three plate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental convergence (when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate) & oceanic-oceanic convergence (2 oceanic plates) both involve oceanic plates & subduction. Continental-continental convergence (2 continental plates) involves neither.

When continental plates collide what happens to the oceanic crust between them?

When the continental plates collide the oceainc cust gets stuck and eventually evaporates

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.

How do the mountains that form along an oceanic oceanic convergent boundary differ from those associated with an oceanic continental convergent boundary?

the oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, therefore, when oceanic plates and continental plates converge, the oceanic will go under the continental plates. But when two oceanic converge either both will rise to form moutains, or both will sink and cause a trench.

Are continental plates more buoyant than oceanic plates?

Continental lithospheric plates are more buoyant than oceanic plates, yes.

Which is more buoyant a continental plate or oceanic plate?

Continental plates are more buoyant then oceanic plates.