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It turns almost orange.

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Q: What happens when pH paper is dipped into acid?
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How can you differentiate strong acid from a weak acid using an indicator?

if pH paper is dipped in a strong acid it turns red and if the same pH paper is dipped in the weak acid it turns blue

What happens to pH paper when dipped in coffee?

Being that coffee is acidic litmus paper should turn reddish

What happens to pH paper when dipped in coke?

coke being acidic will give a redish orange color on the pH strip.

What color would red PH paper turn if dipped in vinegar?

red PH paper will get more darker when dipped in vinegar because vinegar is acidic in contains acetic acid& it's PH is always less than 7 depending upon concentration of acetic acid present in vinegar.

Color of pH paper when dipped in carrot juice?

As orange contains acidic substances, a piece of pH paper would indicate a colour which is in the acid range and the strict colour may differ according to the fruit too.

Why is dipping pH paper into solns bad?

Because pH paper doesn't like to get dipped.

Why is the pH scale better than litmus?

Litmus solution is added to an acid or base to measure its pH. Litmus paper is dipped in. You can take the paper back out, but the solution can't be pulled back out.

What is the colour of pH paper when dipped in ammonia?


Does red litmus paper change color when it is dipped in acid?

yes but, pH paper was not made to be used again and again Your results will not be as accurate

What happens when acid reacts with pH paper?

pH paper would turn a different color depending on the type of paper. However, blue litmus paper will turn red when put in an acid. Red litmus paper will not change at all.

How you can find acditiy of lactic acid?

There are two methods: 1. Litmus paper test - a simple test where litmus paper is dipped into the solution containing lactic acid and the color change of the paper is compared with a standardized spectrum to determine the approximate pH of the solution. 2. The pH meter test - here, an instrument called a pH meter is used to find out the exact pH of the solution

What colour is red litmus in pH scale?

Blue litmus paper will turn to red because hydrochloric is an acid. In aqueous solutions,acid change blue litmus paper to red. In aqueous solutions,base change red litmus paper to blue.