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Effervescence is carbon dioxide. I should think this would have very little effect on a candle, other than to slightly dim it, perhaps. Also it depends on the amount of effervescence and the proximity of candle, since it requires oxygen to burn.

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Q: What happens when place a burning candle near the effervescence?
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If a candle burning example of?

Candle burning is the process called oxidation. This is, it's the reaction that takes place when a gaseous material reacts with oxygen, the wax needs to change to gaseous state for the reaction to take place.

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Not reversable, If you put a burned candle in a cold dark place, it does not become whole again.

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Candle making facts are people enjoy the process of personalizing the candle. You must be neat about it. And there is a certain way to place the wick for best burning.

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The melting of the wax is a physical change. The burning the of wick is the chemical change

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Could you rephrase this? It is hard to tell exactly what the question is.

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No, only when put in sprite

Is a candle burning chemical change?

Yes, burning a candle is a chemical change. New chemical compounds are being formed as the reaction continues. The paraffin in the candle is a hydrocarbon chain, and it is "breaking down" chemically using oxygen from the air to form (idealy) carbon dioxide and water. But there are also physical changes that take place at the same time. Phenomena during the candle burning: - melting (physical phenomenon) - evaporation (may be considered a chemical but also a physical phenomenon) - oxydation - reaction with oxygen, burning (chemical phenomenon) - thermal decomposition (chemical phenomenon)