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Q: What happens when the small bones in our ear join together?
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Hold bones together?

joints. (they JOIN bones together. JOINts join! :P )

Where is the area where cranial bones join together?

Cranial bones join at sutures.

What are the places where bones join together?

your joint

Do babies bones join together?


What are the ropes that join your bones together?

tendons and ligaments

Do you form new bones as an adult?

No, you actually lose bones. These bones join together during childhood years.

What bones join the carpal and tarsal bones together?

Your carpals are in your hands. Your tarsals are in your feet. There are quite a few bones in between

Where is parietal located?

The parietal bones are bones in your skull that join together to form the sides and roof of your cranium.

When bones join togetherthey make this?

When bones join together, they form an articulation, commonly known as a joint. These joints may have various degree of allowed movement.

What is the area where two or more bones join together?

The immovable joints between the cranial bones are called sutures.

How does the bones of the human hands join together?

The joints between the carpal bones are irregular synovial joints. The bones are held together more firmly by a relatively complex network of ligaments.

How many type of bones do you have?

4 types: long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bones350 total bones as a baby206 total bones as an adult (many of the bones join together)