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When your spinal cord is damaged you may not be able to walk

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Q: What happens when the spinal cord is damaged?
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What happens to my body if my spinal cord is damaged?


Incomplete spinal cord injury?

An incomplete spinal cord injury happens when only part of the spinal cord is damaged. This will result in a variety of residual muscle control, sensation or both.

Are you going to die if a bone in the spinal cord is damaged?

Though everyone will die someday a damaged bone in the spinal cord is not necessarily terminal.

How might stem cells help when the spinal cord is damaged?

The stem cell uses the special regenerative cells which will help when the spinal cord is damaged.

What would happen to you if the middle of your spinal cord was damaged?

you will be paralized

Why is it that you got paralyzed when your spinal cord gets damaged?

first of all we all know that the spinal cord contains the the motor alfa that is the motor neuron that causes the muscle to contract,so when the spinal cord gets damaged no stimulation arrives to the muscles below the lesion level..

How can the nerous system get hurt?

Brain damage, if your spinal cord is damaged.

What are two ways the CNS can be damaged?

Concussion and spinal cord injury

What is the medical name for Spinal-cord injury?

The medical name for a spinal cord injury is Quadriplegia or Tetraplegia if the cord is damaged in the cervical (neck) region. If the spinal cord is damaged in the Thoracic area or lower, then the paralysis is refered to as Paraplegia. Also, injuries to the Lumbar and Sacral nerves which result in paralysis, are refered to as Cauda Equina Syndrome.

What part of the nervous s ystem is not working if you are paralyzed?

Usually the spinal chord has been damaged.

What all does a neurologist have to do?

They study the brain, spinal cord, damaged tissues, and diseases.

What happens if the spinal cord is cut?

the neck will be paralyzed