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it obviously rains :)

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Q: What happens when the water from a cloud becomes to heavy to float?
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Related questions

What happens when water leaves a clouds?

When water becomes too heavy to remain in the air as a cloud, it precipitates. This can be in the form of rain, snow, or hail.

Does rain form when water evaporates?

Well first it turns into a cloud the when the cloud becomes to heavy the water falls and becomes rain

What happens when drops of rain become too heavy to float in the air?

they drop. Gravity!

What happens when snowflakes grow heavy inside a cloud?

they fall toward the ground. by khulood

When vapour condense into a liquid?

If it happens in a cloud, the drops combine until too heavy, and it rains.

Why does the balloon doesn't float when rain fall?

The rain drops stick to the balloon due to surface tension & it quickly becomes too heavy for the helium to float it. water is heavier than we give it credit for...

Will diamonds float in oil?

No. For their size, diamonds are heavy and will not float.

Will egg float in water?

no because they are too heavy to float .

What do clouds do for nature?

They are a part of the water cycle. After water evaporates (it becomes gas and rises) it condenses into clouds. Once the cloud is large or heavy enough, the gas becomes a liquid again and rain falls.

When does a heavy rain turn into a thunderstorm?

Heavy rain becomes a thunderstorm when there is thunder and lightning. This usually happens when the clouds reach a significant enough height and the updraft becomes strong enough to separated electrical charges.

Describe the formation of a thunderstorm?

When the cumulus cloud becomes very large, the water in it become large and heavy. Raindrops start to fall through the cloud when the rising air can no longer hold them up. Meanwhile, cool dry air starts to enter the cloud. Because cool air is heavier than warm air, it starts to descend in the cloud (known as a downdraft). The downdraft pulls the heavy water downward, making rain. This cloud has become a cumulonimbus cloud because it has an updraft, a downdraft, and rain. Lightning and thunder start to occur, as well as heavy rain. The cumulonimbus is now a thunderstorm cell.

How do you describe a cumulonimbus cloud?

it is a dark, heavy cloud. also called a thunderhead. usually results in short, heavy rainfall.