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The charge repels so if it's a conductor the charge moves as far away as possible (the side of the object). It will also attract other objects with an opposite charge, or repel ones with like charge.

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Q: What happens when there is a build up of an electric charge on an object?
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What is the build-up of electric charge on an object?

Static charge is the buildup of electric charges on an object. This is a Biology question.

Accumulation of electric charges on a object?

The build up of a charge on an object can be referred to as a static build up charge.

What is a build up of charges on an object?

The build up of a charge on an object can be referred to as a static build up charge.

How can you cause charge to build up on an object?

you build up another object

What is electric charge build up one place?

builds a charge in one place

What is a build up of electric charge?

That means that there is an excess of either positive or negative electric charge.

What electricity is a build up of a charge on an object?

Static electricity.

What causes electric charge to build up in petrol tanker?

The flow of petrol

What is the build up of a positive or negative electric charge on a materials surface?


What is the term used to describe the build up of electrical charges on an object due to friction?

The term used to describe the build up of electric charge on a non-conductive material due to friction is static electricity.

The buildup of charges on an object is called?

It is static electricity or in other words just static, or just a static charge.

How do you build up static electricity?

Static electricity is an accumulation of electric charge on an object. Objects that are normally electrically neutral have an equal number of protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged). When two materials (especially those with weakly-bound electrons) contact each other, electrons can migrate from object to another, leaving an inbalanced charge, positive on one object, negative on the other. One classic way to build up static electricity is to rub your shoes on a carpet and then discharge it by touching a metal object. Another is by rubbing a balloon on your hair.