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Q: What happens when two charged objects come closer together?
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What happens to force of gravity when the distance between two objects decreases?

As the distance between two objects decreases (i.e. they get closer together), the force of gravity increases.

What happens to isobars when it gets windier?

They are closer together.

When a large objectsvmove closer together the force of gravity becomes?

When ANY two objects move closer together, the gravitational forces between them become greater.

What happens when we touch a charged electroscope with our fingers?

The leaves would come closer than earlier

When is the force exerted by gravity stronger?

It's stronger between objects with more mass, and between objects that are closer together.

What happens when positively charged objects and brought near a negatively charged object?

well if you bring a negatively charged object near a positively charged object, they will attract each other, but if you bring two positively charged objects near each other they will repel just like the rule sais: Like Charges repel, Unlike charges attract the closer the charges, the greater force between them

How do you increase the gravitational force between two object?

Move the objects closer together.

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They get closer together.

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The plates get closer together.

When is the gravity between two objects greater?

When their masses are greater, and when their centers of mass are closer together.

What happens if you put two north pole magnets together?

As you move them closer and closer together, the repellent force between them will get stronger and stronger.

To increase the force of gravity between two masses by a factor of 9 how would the objects have to be moved?

3 times closer