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When two oceanic plates collide, the denser oceanic plate will subduct beneath the other, forming island arcs. One example would be the Solomon Islands.

*Note that the Hawaii island chain is NOT formed by convergent plate boundaries but a hotspot which is located right under Hawaii, or the Pacific plate. The Pacific plate moves and the volcanoes on it becomes extinct when it is cut off from the magma source, and the magma from the hotspot rises, forming a new volcano and island.

when plates collide they also form fold mountains and cause earthquakes

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8y ago

An oceanic trench is created where the more dense plate subducts under the less dense plate. Submarine volcanism, seamounts, and island arcs can result from the subduction and partial melting of the crust.

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8y ago

It depends how they collide. You either get a mid-ocean subduction zone - where one plate 'slides' over the other - forcing one plate down under the Earth's surface... or - you get a mid-ocean ridge - where both plates simply push against each other - creating an underwater mountainous chain.

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What happens when two plates made of oceanic crust collide?

When two plates made of oceanic crust collide, one plate will usually be subducted beneath the other due to its denser composition. This subduction zone can lead to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and seismic activity. Over time, the subducted plate may melt and contribute to the formation of volcanic chains on the overriding plate.

Describe what happens when two plates carrying oceanic crust collide?

Best Answer:When two plates carrying oceanic crust collide, the resultis that one goes underneath the other - probably causinga tsunami - or an underwater earthquake.

When two oceanic plates collide it creates?

when two oceanic plates collide they create a deep-ocean trench, at deep-ocean trenches subduction occurs.

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When two continental plates collide they form mountains .

What do two oceanic plates that collide form?

eigther volcanoes or mountains

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What is oceanic -oceanic convergent boundary?

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