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Ahmed Mohomed Sanyre

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Q: What happens when two waves of the same frequency meet?
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Where does interference of waves occurs?

It can happen any place where two waves meet. This is usually most relevant when both waves have the same frequency.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave when the frequency of the waves doubled but the wave speed stays the same?

Nothing happens

When sound waves of the same frequency and amplitude arrive 180 degrees out of phase what happens?

They canceled

What happens if two sound waves having the same frequency interfere in phase?

they come closer

What happens if 2 light waves with the same amplitude interfere?

Their amplitude is not the important variable - their frequency is . If two light waves of the same frequency interact, then an interference pattern will be seen. This is the basis of the 'double slit' experiment designed to demonstrate that light may be considered to indeed be waves.

What happens when a metal aerial absorbs radio waves?

It creates an alternating current at the same frequency as the radio wave gdafeagtdfvgaergfef

How does frequency of the ultrasonic waves of the echo from the stationary object compare with frequency of the ultrasonic waves of the probe?

the frequencies are same.

What happens to the sound waves from a car with the horn honking when the sound waves are moving in the same direction as the car?

this is called Doppler effect and the velocities add, creating a higher sounding frequency.

When you increase the tension on a piece of wire the speed of waves on it increase but the wavelength stays constant what happens to the frequency of the waves as the tension the wire is increased?

If the speed increased and the wavelngth stayed the same then the frequency would have to increase. Because Speed=Frequency*Wavelength Hope that helps

When frequency increases what happens to wavelength?

The wavelength gets shorter. If the propagation speed remains the same, the wavelength (L) decreases by the inverse of the frequency f. For electromagnetic waves c = fL is a constant.

2 wave have the same frequency the faster of the two waves will have what?

Wavelength x frequency = velocity, so if the frequency is the same for two waves moving at different velocities, the faster wave must have a longer wavelength.

How the constructive interference occurs?

coherent waves are waves of the same frequency (same wavelength) and constant phase difference.