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Q: What happens when you burn foil?
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What happens when aluminum and magnesium burns?

the aluminum foil will burn

How come when i touch tin foil in the oven it doesnt burn my skin?

The tin foil happens not to be so hot, therefore its inability not to burn your skin. Yeah I got that much, just wondering why the tin foil isn't hot in a 450 degree oven, oh and this is the questionnaire

Can a foil burn?

yes it will because it can burn through the kitchen foil!!!

Will my solid fuel fire burn hotter if i line it with foil?

The aluminium foil will probably melt.

What i did to change the shape of the material foil paper?

A Foil paper change size and shape when it's burn

Why does foil stop the burning of a burn?

Because - being metal - it conducts heat away from the burn area.

Does tin foil burn?

if you put it in the microwave, yes it will catch on fire

Where do you burn a flag?

In a fire? As you would with religious articles. In a burn pan or your barbeque, lined with foil, then bury the ashes.

What happens to foil when it gets thrown away?

it stays there for thousands of years, as foil has metal in it, it does not decompose

Is it absolutely safe to plug up the holes around the door of your wood-burning stove with aluminum foil?

no because aluminum foil will burn

Can food be reheated in aluminium foil containers?

no they cannot because they will burn to there seconde death

What happens when foil is held above a lamp?

It gets hot