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Q: What happens when you catch all of the unouwn in poemon leafgreen?
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You can catch Rayquaza in your house upstairs after you catch all the legendarys in the game.

What happens if you catch all 28 unown in leafgreen?

Nothing, really.

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You can not catch it in leafgreen,but in firered you can.

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How do you catch a toros in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cant get toros on leafgreen you need to catch one on firered and trade it to leafgreen

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im sorry but u cant unless you use pal park and trade it

What level do you catch mew at in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't catch mew on leafgreen you need gameshark codes for that

What will happen if you catch all shapes of unown in Pokemon leafgreen?

Nothing happens, except the fact that you have many Unowns. ~Katie

How do you catch Mew in LeafGreen?

You cant catch it (Mew) in LeafGreen, you have to use Action Replay to do that or another cheating device to do that.

Were do you catch electrabuzz on LeafGreen?

You can get an Electabuzz in LeafGreen by TRADING it form Firered.

What happens when you put the five rocks into place in Pokemon leafgreen?

The Tanoby Chambers open up so you can catch all the Unowns.