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you have pulled your groin

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Q: What happens when you have tissue damage in groin area?
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Related questions

What is groin area called?

The groin, the genitals, or the pubic region.

What is the Groin area?

Between the legs, from the area you urinate from.

Where is the right groin?

The groin is the superficial area where the trunk and the legs meet; this is also the site of the external sexual genitalia in primates. The right groin would be the area where the right leg joins to the inferior abdomen.

What is the area between the thighs called?


What symptoms does a inguinal hernia have?

Symptoms of inguinal hernia include: a large bump in the groin or scrotum, swelling in that area, sudden pain, nausea, and vomiting. It is caused by tissue pushing out of the intestinal wall.

What is the different between the kidney and the groin?

The kidneys are located in the lower left and right part of your back . the groin is your front area . you only have one groin , and you have 2 kidneys

What is the area between the ribs and the hips called?

The groin

Where is the pectineus located on the body?

The groin (inguinal area)

What is the difference between crotch and crutch and Which one refers to the groin area?

A crotch is around groin area near your genitals and crutch is is used when you break a leg or arm.

Where is the groin located?

Groin is a junction each side of the body where the lower abdomen joins the top of the thighs. He is a dull pain in his groin.

List the significant tissues and landmarks of the groin area?

The tissue layers encountered in groin herniation repair are, in order of descent, skin and subcutaneous tissues, Scarpa's fascia, interparietal fascia, internal oblique muscle, transverse abdominis muscle, transversalis fascia, Cooper's ligament, rectus abdominis muscle, and peritoneum.

White discharge with blood?

if it's sperm + blood your talking about it could be alot of things. - damage to the groin area even slght damage - infection - irritated blood vessel near the seminal ducts that let blood in - worst case prostate cancer