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Q: What happens when you leave a balloon in the freezer?
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What happens when you put a balloon full of water in the freezer?

It Freezes ! :P

What physical change happens when you put a balloon in the freezer?

The air inside the balloon will contract, so the balloon will tend to look slightly crinkled.

What happens if you leave clay in the freezer?

it gets hard as a rock

What happens to a balloon when you place it in a freezer?

The air inside the balloon will contract as it cools, so the balloon will become smaller. The freezing process could affect the balloon's skin, making it brittle and liable to fracture.

When you put the balloon in the freezer what law is it an example of?

Charles Law - the expansion (when heated) or contraction (when cooled) of gases. E.g. when you leave a balloon outside in the heat it will pop from the gas inside expanded, but when you put it in a freezer it will shrink as the gas inside contracts.

What would happens if you put a balloon in a freezer?

The balloon would shrink because the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules in the balloon decreases when the temperate decreases. Go and try it is a pretty fun!

What will happen if you put the balloon in the freezer?

It will burst! because of the pressure in the freezer.

Why would a balloon filled with air in a freezer shrink?

The low temperature inside the freezer causes the air inside the balloon to contract.

What happens to a packet of frozen peas if you leave them out the freezer for 1 hour?

They will start to thaw.

What happens if you put some yeast and a pinch of sugar with warm water and a balloon ontop of the container and leave at for a week?

the balloon will inflate

What effect will the lowering of the temperature have on the gas when a balloon filled with helium was put into a freezer?

I balloon will deflate. If you take it out of the freezer, give it some time and it will expand to normal.

What causes a balloon to pop in a freezer?

The pressure on the rubber.