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Q: What happens when you light a match twice?
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If you had only one match and entered a cold dark room?

Don't light it! If you have ever ever ever watched Looney Toons then you know what happens if you light a match and it happens to be filled with TNT and explosives. If I had one match and entered a dark room, I would flip on the light switch to find the candle.

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U need to match sleepyhead and dinosaur twice

What happens to a match when it burnt?

When a match burns, the heat from the flame ignites the chemicals in the match head, causing it to combust and produce heat and light. The matchstick itself is consumed as fuel and eventually turns into ash.

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Because there is a hollow space inside the prism, the light would be refracted twice, turning it back to white light.

How do you strike the match on stage 5 of questionaut?

Once you have picked up a match, click the side of the match box to light it. Before you get the match, you need to turn the gas control wheel twice (counterclockwise) to start the gas to the burner. You will place the icicle in the beaker to melt it and boil the water to steam.

What can you do to light a match?

Strike it on a match box.

You have a match and you want to heat up your bath tub light the fireplace and light the stove which one do you light first?

you light the match first

Can you light a match if it has already been light?


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If something is biannual, it happens twice a year.

What does semi annual mean?

An event of some sort that happens twice a year.

If you are alone in a deserted house at night and there was an oil lamp firewood and a candle and you only have one match which one would you light first?

You light the fire first. You can than use the fire to light everything else.Answer:Light the candle first. You may not be successful at kindling the fire; then you'd be left with nothing.

How far has holland got to winning the world cup?

Holland has played the final match twice and lost twice.