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Not much. Helium is an inert gas. It does not want to react with anything. Plutonium is highly radioactive, and some of its isotopes are fissile. In any case, the two would not react. Nothing nuclear is going to happen beased on the mixing of the two elements. The only possible problem is if a critical mass of plutonium is gathered together. Then a criticality incident will occur and a radioactive mess will result with the release of a cloud of airborne and highly radioactive nuclides.

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3mo ago

Mixing hydrogen with plutonium can lead to a chemical reaction where the hydrogen may react with the plutonium to form hydrogen plutide compounds. This reaction can release heat and potentially create explosive conditions due to the reactivity of plutonium. It is important to handle plutonium with caution and follow strict safety protocols when working with it.

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12y ago

At room temperature nothing; after heating above 100 0C plutonium hydride (PuH2) is formed.

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Q: What happens when you mix hydrogen with plutonium?
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What happens when hydrogen and helium mix?

Helium is completely inert, it is the most inert of all elements, and so it will not react in any way with hydrogen (or with any other element). So, if you mix hydrogen and helium, nothing happens. You have a mixture of hydrogen and helium. It's a lot lighter than air, you can make balloons that will float. Of course, you can do that with pure hydrogen or with pure helium, as well.

What are nuclear bombs made from?

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What happens if plutonium gets wet?

Plutonium reacts with water to form plutonium hydride, which is a highly reactive compound that can release hydrogen gas and heat. This reaction can result in a potential fire or explosion if not handled properly. Additionally, plutonium can corrode rapidly when exposed to water, which can compromise its containment and increase the risk of environmental release.

Why is plutonium heavier than hydrogen?

Plutonium has a significantly higher atomic number and more protons and neutrons in its nucleus compared to hydrogen, making it much heavier. The mass of an atom is determined by the number of protons and neutrons it has, so the additional particles in a plutonium atom contribute to its greater weight.

What happens when you touch plutonium?

you die!