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Q: What happens when you pull out you tooth and it not ready?
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What happens when you pull a tooth out with your hands?

You Die.

Will it hurt your child if you try to pull a stubborn tooth?

yes, of course, it will hurt, the tooth (baby) will fall out when it is ready if it is a permanent tooth and it is loose, then a dentist will have to remove it.

How do you know if your tooth is ready to come out or not?

Usually, when your tooth is really ready to come out, it shouldn't hurt when you pull or wiggle it, if it does, it isn't QUITE ready because you shouldn't feel any pain. There will also be the taste of blood in your mouth and your tooth will be hanging by a tiny little root :)

how much to pull a tooth?

how much to pull a tooth

Do you just pull a tooth?

Do you guys just pull a single tooth.

How do you get a tooth wiggly when you have braces?

Not much, all you have to do is wiggle it back and forth, and you it will be ready to come out, if it is very loose like it is going to fall right out, then you pull pull and there you have it! (the wiggling will irritate it, and it might hurt, but 4 a second.

How do you remove a unready tooth painlessly?

There is not a painless way to remove a tooth that is not ready to come out: When the new tooth under it grows in enough it will painlessly push out the top one. 1. Wiggle the tooth as much as you can to get it as loose as you can 2. If its loose enough start by pulling it down slowly 3. You are ready to pull it but do this slowly also 4. Your tooth should be out, it should bleed for a minute or so but it will stop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What happens if you tie string to your tooth to the door and slam the door?

If it is a baby tooth and it it ready to come out, it will probably come out. On the other hand, if it is not ready to come out, it may not, in which case it will probably just hurt and bleed a lot.

How do you pull out a puppy tooth?

um i actually think you shouldnt pull a puppy's tooth out

How do you pull out a losse tooth by yourself?

You hold it and pull............

How do you get your tooth to come out faster?

I have lost many teeth i hope this answer helps. Getting a tooth to come out fast is to pull it. There will probably be alot of blood because your tooth was not ready to come out by the time you pulled it. But if you dont want the pain, or the blood of tooth pulling, just wait till it comes out on its own. Hope this helped!

Is it okay to pull out a loose tooth?

not all the time It doesn't really matter if it's loose. You'll still be getting the one or two (probably two) shots of novicane near your tooth in your gums which is the most painful part. Getting your tooth actually pulled out feels the same any way, loose or not(That part isn't all that bad with all of the numbing.) Sorry, it's not that bad though. Different people handle the pain in different ways.