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It melts

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Q: What happens when you put a eraser in the oven?
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Related questions

How do you cook an eraser?

put it in a microwave or an oven and wait to see what happens.

Is it safe to put an eraser in the oven?

No, it will melt and smell terrible.

How do you make eraser at home?

Go to your local Hobby Lobby or Walmart and look for Sculpey Eraser Clay. Your kids can mold what they want and then an adult can put it in the oven for the time said on the package.

How do you make an eraser at home?

Go to your local Hobby Lobby or Walmart and look for Sculpey Eraser Clay. Your kids can mold what they want and then an adult can put it in the oven for the time said on the package.

How do you melt eraser shavings into one eraser?

This is a guess but my eraser just like melted (atleast I hope its my eraser) and its sticky, but it doesn't seem to stick to the paper so I'd imagine you could just pick-up them a push them together

What happens when you put a cheeseburger in the oven?

it cooks and if left long enough in the oven it burns. only if the oven is on.

How can you make eraser at home?

you um cut pieces of real erasers then you aqtualy put it in the ocven. You cut pieces of real erasers. Then, you actually put it in the oven.

What happens when you put cucumber in the oven?

it goes soft and soggy

What happens to cake mix when you put it in a hot oven?

It gets warmer!

Can you melt a eraser in a microwave?

According to my experiment to try to melt a eraser in a microwave oven, it failed. I put the eraser on a paper plate into the microwave and set it for five minutes. Unfortunately it failed by only getting warm. It may be a good idea to try it for longer, but it will most likely not melt because there is no radioactivity. With that the microwave allows the eraser bits to melt. But without it, heating an eraser is no good.

What happens if you put a baked potato in the oven for a year?

It would be a hot potato :)

What happens when you put a cake in the oven?

can you put the filling in the oven along with the crust