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they create a baby

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Q: What happens when you put a male and a female black widow together?
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What the female black widow called?

a widow..

What is the most dangerous the female or the male black widow?

I would say the female because it has more venom than a male black widow

What is a harmful female spider?

A Black Widow.

Will a female spider eat a male spider?

The Black Widow spider will mate, and then eat her mate because they are stuck together.

Which is more dangerous the male or female black widow?

The female black widow spider is larger than the male, and therefore carries more venom.

What black spider lives in Georgia that looks like a black widow but is all black?

it is a black widow. it is all black becausse only female black widows have the red mark on their back. this means that is a male black widow.

What happens if you see a black widow?

Nothing happens better you get escape from there

Is a black widow raelly dangerus?

Yes, the female black spider is highly venomous. Vaccines for a female black widow spider are more common than they used to be, but if untreated, a bite from the spider can kill a human.

What happens if your cat got bit by a black widow?

You would die!! Jk you would half to go to the doctors as soon as possible. But if it was a female black widow it would bite if it was a male black widow it possible wouldn't bite you. My name is Josh North and i am in with grade.

Do black widow spiders die after killing mate?

No. After killing her mate, the female black widow must live on afterwards to lay the eggs.

Female black widow?

A black widow spider is any of several species of venomous and potentially deadly Spiders, especially Latrodectus sp..

Are female black widow spiders cannibals?

Yes; they eat their mates.