

Best Answer

it dissolves into water because the

sodium nitrate is a type of salt that

is better dissolving in water so when it hits 30

degrees it will already be dissolving.

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Q: What happens when you put sodium nitrate in 30c?
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What is the product of ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride?

Both ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride are salts, as they are ionic compounds that can be produced from an acid-base reaction. Neither is the salt we put on our food, however. Table salt is sodium chloride.

If you put 50 grams of sodium chloride into 100 mL of water at 30 degrees celsius would you have a saturated solution unsaturated solution or a supersaturated solution?

Ammonium Nitrate! Fo sho doe.

How would you put out a sodium fire?

You put out a sodium fire by depriving it of oxygen

What is oxidation Like in chemistry what is oxidation state in NaNO3?

Oxidation is when the material your'e working with, draws the oxygene-atoms from the surroundings into itself, so that the oxygene becomes a part of the matter. Here's a few examples: When you put magnesium(Periodic number 12, alkali metal) together with water, it reacts like this: H20+Mg=MgO2+H The thing that happens when you put the two materiels together, is that the magnesium begins to draw the oxygene-atoms in the water to itself, so that it becomes Mg02 (an oxid). So basically, a oxid is just a matter that contains oxygene-atomes. Like: FeO=iron-oxide. MgO=Magnesium-oxide. AlO=Aluminium-oxide. And so on... Basically, rust is just iron who have ben oxidated by contact with water. About the NaNO3 your'e talking about, i don't know. Try looking it up at Wikipedia.

Why do some farmers put ammonium nitrate on there farmland?

because plants need nitrogen to make proteins

Related questions

What will happen to the sodium nitrate when you put it in water that is twenty degrees Celsius?

The solubility of sodium nitrate at 20 oC is 94,9 g/100 g water.

What happens when you put silver nitrate into a salt solution?

When silver nitrate is added to a salt solution, a precipitation reaction may occur if silver ions react with an anion in the salt solution to form an insoluble salt, known as a precipitate. The precipitate will appear as a solid settling at the bottom of the solution.

What happens when you put sodium chloride into water?

Sodium chloride is easily dissolved.

What happens when each nitrate salt is put into the flame?

The color of the flame depends on the metal from the salt.

What happens when sodium catches fire in water?

When sodium catches fire in water, it reacts vigorously to produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The reaction is exothermic, causing the hydrogen gas to ignite, resulting in a small explosion and a burst of flame. It is important to exercise caution when handling reactive metals like sodium.

What will happen to the sodium nitrate when it is put in water?

When sodium nitrate is put in water, it will dissociate into sodium ions and nitrate ions. This process is known as dissolution. The compound will fully dissolve in water, forming a clear, colorless solution.

What happens to sodium iodide when put in a flame?

It produces a bright yellow flame

What happens when you put sodium chloride and Epsom salt?

Any reaction occur.

What is the product of ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride?

Both ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride are salts, as they are ionic compounds that can be produced from an acid-base reaction. Neither is the salt we put on our food, however. Table salt is sodium chloride.

What happens when copper metal is put in zinc nitrate solution?

When copper metal is put in zinc nitrate solution, a single displacement reaction occurs where the copper metal displaces the zinc in the zinc nitrate solution. This results in the formation of copper nitrate solution and zinc metal precipitate.

What happens if you put saltbon dry ice?

You will have some dry water sodium. Salty dry ice.

What happens when you put sodium nitrite in water?

When sodium nitrite is added to water, it dissociates into sodium ions (Na+) and nitrite ions (NO2-). The solution may also become slightly acidic due to the hydrolysis of nitrite ions. Sodium nitrite in water can also react with other compounds to form nitric oxide, which can be toxic in high concentrations.