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Q: What happens when you put sugar in water in the sun?
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The sun is outside of the Earth but the rain happens on the Earth.

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The water evaprates

Is sugar water good for plants?

All living things need sugar (not necessarily the over possessed stuff they put in candy though) Usually plants can produce their own sugar from the sun but I'm guessing it is able to intake sugar it didn't make itself.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

What happens if you put a transparent object against the sun?

If we put a transparent object against the sun, light will pass through it.

What happens when you wet a cotton ball and put it in the sun?

it dries out.

What happens if you put sun-in in your hair and its dyed?

it gets darker

What happens when you put a bag over a plant under the sun light?

Water droplets will form at the top of the bag. The water came from the leaves. When you water a plant, the water goes to the roots, and then the leaves. So the sun evaporated the water from the leaves and the water got stuck on the top of the bag. Transpiration is the process that caused this to happen.

What process builds sugar?

The process of making sugar is called photosynthesis (photo-syn-the-sis).

What happens if you put a jar with pee in the sun?

It turns into iced pee.

What happens when you put soil in a bottle then leave it in the sun for a day?

it will go all hard and stale in the sun

What happens when a glass of water is set out in the sun until the water evaporates?

Water is transformed in vapors.