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Q: What happens when you report someone on binweevils?
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On binweevils how can you get reported?

Someone else has to report you

What is binweevils i need to know or ill report you?

it is a threat and reporting is something you do when someone is nasty to you and you will report it to the moderators

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Nothing happens.

What happens if you report a user in

they sometimes will have a warninng and if you report someone,you will ignore them after

Who made binweevils?

the creator of binweevils is someone who calledlooser fattyand my dad made it stupid dad

What happens if you do not feed your bin pet on binweevils?

it will get unhappy

What if you report someone on acicdent in bin weevil?

Don't worry the Moderators will decide to ban them or not by using the evidence they have but If you are still worried you could Contact them by going on the contacts us page on Binweevils.

What happens if you don't eat on binweevils?

i do't know aculty

What happens to YOURSELF if you report someone on moshi monsters do you get a reward or something?

no. They get reported and if it was a false report then the moderator can remove you from moshi monsters.

What happens if you report someone on msn?

Hopefully there account will be closed and email sent to them before that.

What is the sws on binweevils?

The sws on binweevils stands for...SecretWeevilServiceFor sws you need to complete missions and keep the bin safe. I f someone swears is rude mean or has a bad name you should click on them and click the kind of square blue icon select the reason why you have reported them and if you want to write a short comment.How ever If you do sometjing bad on binweevils other weevils can report you wether they are part of the sws or not! Any weevil in the bin can report anyone even if they are not part of the sws, but you need to be a sws to do missions (you need to be a serten level to do missions it will be in a star nex to the mission).By blah head (on binweevils broth)

What happens on binweevils if you are rude?

you get banned on bin weevils and your chat is disabled