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Q: What happens when you smoke a blunt dipped in co-dine?
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Cheat code for CJ to smoke blunt?

For Cj to smoke a blunt, it would be a mod and not a cheat.

How can you get a banshee?

u can smoke a blunt! :)

Does James Blunt smoke?


The word blunt in a sentence?

My pencil is blunt and needs to be sharpened. "Snoop Dogg would like to smoke a blunt, I'm sure."

How do you Make your troat stop hurting when youre smoke the biggest blunt ever?

Wait it out. Next time, smoke a honey blunt. Delicious and hurts less.

What is a marijuana blunt?

lol there is no suc thing as a smoking blunt you smoke a blunt a blunt is a ciggar fiilled with weed

If you don't have a blunt how can you smoke weed?

You cant smoke it any other way but making a blunt. You can try eating it. It is really not the best thing to eat it !!! ; ) P.S. DON'T CHEW IT!!

Is It safe to smoke marijuana and drink neocitran?

Yes and No, To be clear, you make ONLY drink daytime Neocitran. Anything with codine in it will freak you out and make you "Trip out". It also can kill you if you consumed a fair amount of codine/ Neocitran. As an added bonus to your question, do NOT smoke marijuana while using any night time relief medication. ANYTHING with codine will do the same thing. I asked a Registered Nurse, a Paramedic, and a Doctor this question.

What did rey misterio did when he was not a wrestler?

laid back and smoke a blunt or two

What will help speed up cleaning your system for marijuana?

Smoke a blunt.

Can you tak a infection piil after you smoke a blunt?

lol yes i do it all the time

What time should it always be on 420 before you smoke a blunt?
