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I took it for a week unprescribed (my brother is bi-polar and takes it). He had major positive reactions using it, not just a better temper but also he concentrated better he was more outgoing he was more goal oriented and focused.

When he was first diagnosed, I was questioned whether or not i had too, as I was having similar symptoms. So when he got his prescription, I decided to try his for a week.

I never noticed a difference when taking it but when i went off it (a week later) I had a seizure, and more noticeable symptoms...I felt angry all the time, always stressed out, and extremely irritated, it didnt matter what kind of conversation I had with someone it felt like any type of talking sounded like whining and all i wanted to do was chuck something at them and scream to shut up lol.

I ended up telling my doctor that I tried my brothers medicine and have been having seizures and they put me on lamictal. All from that one little experiment, I have to take a pill for the rest of my life...Im sure everyone is different but I wouldnt recommend trying it without a doctors orders lol.

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If you do not require an antidepressant yet start taking one you can permenantly mess up your "Happy" system. Antidepressants are not for recreational use.

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