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Doesn't do much just makes them stop moving for a sec. but the fish still live.

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Q: What happens when you taser a big fish?
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What happens when you taser a scorpian?

it is killed instantly

Can you carry a taser in Texas?

Yes, you can carry a Taser in Florida. There are no state restrictions in Florida for carrying a Taser.

What happens from a taser to the head?

probably immediate K.O.

Can you shoot a taser in the rain and what happens?

Yes. It works as intended.

What happens when you throw big rocks into a pond?

Big fish throw them back.

Where did the term TASER originate from?

TASER is an acronym, named for a fictional weapon: Thomas A Swift's Electic Rifle. TASER is a rgisterd tradename of Taser Interntational. See:

What happens when you shoot a taser at a car?

Not much The probes will scratch the paint but not stick If you use a non-projectile type taser the metal car body will take the hit and all you will do is damage the paint job. The only way you could seriously damage a car with a taser is to find computer wires and connect them so the computer takes a hit direct from the taser. The metal body will otherwise short the taser so it can't do more than damage the paint.

How do you say taser in Spanish?

el taser

Who made the taser?

Thomas A. Swift invented the Taser. TASER is an acronym for Thomas A Swifts' Electronic Rifle

How many feet does a taser work?

A citizen Taser (Taser C2, X26c and M26c) can reach 15 feet.

When was Taser International created?

Taser International was created in 1993.

Can a felon posses a taser in AZ m 18?

Felons are not allowed to use a Taser in any state. It is against TASER INTERNATIONAL policy.