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It increases

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Q: What happens with pressure when you get deeper underwater?
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When swimming underwater pressure becomes greater?

Correct Answer= "As you go deeper"

What happens to the pressure when you go further underwater?

the air pressure will increase

When swimming underwater pressure becomes greater when?

I believe when you go deeper..... I'm about to take the test...

What happens as you go deeper into the earth?

Temperature and pressure increases.

What happens to the temperature and pressure as you go deeper and deeper underground?

The deeper you go inside the ground the hotter it gets and the more pressure begins to build. So basicly they both increaese.

What will happens to us if we go seventeen meters underwater?

We will experience a pressure 2.7 times atmospheric pressure.

What happens the deeper you swim?

The deeper you swim, the greater pressure becomes because there is more water above you pressing down.

Why is the earth denser as you go deeper under ground?

Because the pressure increases with depth. The same as if you go underwater, the weight of water above you increases as you go deeper, exerting a greater pressure on your body. This greater pressure decreases the unit volume of the matter, so the density increases.

What happens if a submarine dives to deep?

The pressure gets too great and the submarine implodes. The deeper you go under water the more pressure there is.

The deeper you go in the ocean the greater the water pressure Use logical reasoning to infer why?

This is because ocean water has weight, and believe it or not, air has weight too. The water and air pressure add up when you go farther underwater. This causes there to be higher water pressure as you go deeper because the water weight adds up.

How does water pressure change as you go deeper?

Water pressure increases as you go deeper.

How does pressure change as you go from the surface toward the center if the earth?

The pressure increases as you go deeper. The deeper you go the greater the pressure