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In that case, the force is proportional to the acceleration.

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Q: What happnd to the force and acceleartion if the mass is constant?
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How are constant force is related to mass and acceleration?

Force = (mass) times (acceleration) Constant force produces constant acceleration.

How does the mass vary with acceleration at constant force?

F=ma, force = mass x acceleration. Therefore, more mass means more force is required.

What will the mass and acceleration produce if the applied force is constant?

If the applied force is constant, the acceleration will also be constant. To know the actual amount of acceleration, you divide the force by the mass.

How do you compute the force of a given mass at a constant speed?

The force on a mass moving at a constant speed and direction is 0.

What is the relationship between force acceleration when mass is constant?

force= mass times acceleration

How is acceleration and net force related when mass is constant?

Force = Mass x Acceleration

How does force vary with acceleration at constant mass?

If acceleration is kept constant but you vary the mass, the force will vary in direct proportion to the mass. If the mass increases, the force will also increase, and if the mass decreases the force will also decrease. Newton's 2nd Law, illustrated by the equation F=ma, illustrates this.

A mass is accelerated when what acts upon the mass?

It depends ... If the body is accelerating uniformly with a constant acceleration a ....then the Force is a constant force.... But if it is accelerating non uniformly....then the Force is not constant...The 2nd law says F=m*a where m is mass of the body...

Why gravatational force has constant value?

because mass has no relativity with attraction so that gravitation force is constant

How acceleration and mass are related if the force is constant?

For a given mass, the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force acting on the mass, and is in the same direction as the net force. In other words, the larger the net force acting on an object, the greater its acceleration. When the net force is zero, the object is either at rest or moving with a constant velocity.

How is force related to mass at contant accelaration?

Directly. (F = m a) If a (acceleration) is a constant then the relationship between farce and mass is constant.

How does mass of an object affects it's acceleration?

It depends on the force. The acceleration due to gravity (for small objects) is essentially independent of mass, although air friction may be worse for very small objects. If, however, you have a constant force. F = MA Force = Mass * Acceleration. Divide each side by mass and you get: Acceleration = (Force / Mass) So, for constant force, the more mass an object has, the less acceleration. Or, you could say that for constant force, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass.