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Q: What has 100 Legs but cant stand has long neck but no head what is it?
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How can a grizzly bear stand on 2 feet?

Because their back legs are longer than their front. Just like humans, They have short front legs and long back legs, So that is why they are able to stand on 2 feet, BUT They cant walk they can just stand.

A man who stand on long wooden legs?

a pirate

Why do my legs get numb and not able to stand?

If you are finding that your legs get so numb that you are unable to stand, you should see a doctor. It is normal to get numb legs from sitting for long periods of time but you should be able to stand up.

What does worm stand for?

It stands for an animal that is long, thin, and has no legs.

How did daddy long legs get its name?

The name daddy-long-legs beginning is unknown. It is suspected to have come from a book by Jean Webster about a girl in an orphanage whose benefactor is a tall man whom has long legs and she calls him Daddy Long Legs.

How long was the longest head stand?

5 hours

How long should you stand on your head?

5 hours

How long can a monk seal stay underwater for?

it cant bc it cant get it trough your BIG head

Can long-legged birds fly?

Yes, birds with long legs can fly. The only bird with long legs that cant fly is the Ostrich. The only problem is that because of their long legs they are so used to walking, so they don't fly as well as other birds.

What do the legs do for a cheetah?

It makes it easier for them to run and they can run faster with long legs then short legs because with long legs you can stretch them out farther and short you cant stretch them out hardly at all. they wouldn't be able to catch there pray so they would die cause they did not eat.

What is a flamingo's leg like?

Their legs are long so they can stand in shallow water and eat fish.

What are the parts of giraffe?

A giraffe has a neck, head, and legs just like humans. With such long legs, giraffes can run extremely fast.