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Q: What has a jointed appendages that extends from the central part of its body?
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Are the appendages of arthropods jointed and extendedfrom the body wall?


What are two characteristic of arthropods?

An arthropod is an invertebrate animal with an exoskeleton , a segmented body, and jointed appendages.

Do arthropods have jointed appendages?

All arthropods have jointed appendages. The terms "arthropod" means "jointed foot". Arthropods have segmented bodies and examples of them are insects, spiders, and crustaceans.

What is the arachnid main body parts?

The are the Abdomen an cephalothorax. The legs and other jointed extend ages are appendages.

What is the difinition of arthropods?

An arthropod is an invertebrate that has an exoskeleton (external skeleton a segmented body, and jointed attachments called appendages.

What is the most distinguished arthropod characteristics?

Jointed appendages, appendages are tiny structures (leg or antenna) that grows out side of the body.

What are 5 characteristics of artherpods?

They're invertebrates and possess an exoskeleton and jointed appendages (from which the phylum derives its name).

What are the function of arthopods?

An arthopod is not a 'thing' with a function within something... It is a an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages.

Which of the following groups would an animal with an exoskeleton segmented body and jointed appendages belong to choices mollusks segmented worms cnidarians arthropods?

Athropods. Certainly!

What are three main parts of arthropods?

Three of the main distintinctions of an arthropod is having an exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and a segmented body. Added: Head. Thorax. Abdomen.

What characteristics do the animals need to be an arthropod?

If you're going to be classified as an arthropod, you'd need to have a segmented body, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

Is a sea urchin a arthropod?

No. Sea urchins are echinoderms, meaning, appropriately enough, "spiny skin". Some of the characteristics of arthropods are jointed appendages, an exoskeleton, and a segmented body. While the hard test, or shell, of sea urchins could be thought of as an exoskeleton, sea urchins have no jointed appendages and do not have a segmented body. Some examples of arthropods are shrimps, crabs, lobsters, and insects.