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A proton has a positive charge and is located in the nucleus

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2w ago

A proton has a positive charge and is located in the nucleus of an atom.

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Related questions

Where is the total positive charge of an atom located and in what form?

The positive charge of an atom is located in the nucleusin the form of protons.

Where is all of the positive charge in an atom located?

The nucleus.

Where is all the positive charge in an atom located?

The nucleus.

Where did the positive charge in an atom was located?

The center, the nucleus.

What parts of the atom have a positive charge?

Parts of an atom: - protons - located in the nucleus - have a positive charge - neutrons - located in the nucleus - have a neutral or no charge - electrons - are in orbit around the nucleus - have a negative charge

What are located in the nucleus?

A proton which is the positive charged particle, and a neutron which has no charge.

What is a subatomic particle that has a positive charge and is located in the nucleus of an atom?


Does bromine have a positive or negative charge?

It has a negative charge, as it is located on the left side of "the staircase" on the periodic table.

What is the proton electric charge and location in an atom?

Proton has uni-positive charge and is found within the nucleus

What particles are located in the nucleus?

Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus of an atom.

The overall charge of the nucleus is?

The overall charge of a nucleus is positive. The nucleus is consisted of protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have a neutral charge. Electrons have a negative charge but are located in the shell orbiting the nucleus, so their charge is not included in the nucleus' charge. Since the only particles in the nucleus either have a positive or neutral charge, the nucleus will always be positive.

A charge on a proton?

A proton carries a positive charge of +1 elementary charge, which is equal in magnitude to the charge of an electron but opposite in sign. This charge is fundamental to the behavior of protons in interactions with other particles.