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Q: What has a single motor neuron and a group of muscles?
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What is a single motor neuron with all the muscles cells it innervates?

This is called a motor unit.

Is motor a neuron?

motor neuron is a type of neuron that found at the muscles, tissues, and organs.

Skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a motor neuron at a single?

Each muscle cell is only innervated by a single motor neuron, but each motor neuron innervates any number of muscle cells. When an action potential travels down the axon of an alpha motor neuron, it will depolarize several muscle cells at the same time, a phenomenon known as summation.

What is the difference between associate neuron and motor neuron?

motor neurons are linked to the muscles and obviously sends a message for muscles to move

Why is there less precise control over leg muscles over eye muscles?

many muscle fibers are controlled by a single motor neuron

What are motor neuron diseases?

Motor neuron diseases are a group of progressive disorders involving the nerve cells responsible for carrying impulses that instruct the muscles in the upper and lower body to move

What is A neuron that can cause muscles to contract?

Efferent motor neurons stimulate muscle contractions.

What is a motor neuron?

motor neuron is a type of neuron that found at the muscles, tissues, and organs.

What is a motor unit is made up of?

Motor neurons and the muscle fibers they transmit signals toA motor unit is a collection of muscle fibers that contract as a single functional unit when stimulated by an impulse from a motor neuron. The actual size can vary greatly, from many large muscle fibers in the quadriceps muscle group per motor unit to just a few muscle fibers in the muscles of the fingers per motor unit.

What is the difference between reLAy neuron and motor neuron?

Motor nerves tell muscles to contract, thereby making you move.

What is the neuron that conducts impulses away from the central nervous system to muscles only?

That is referred to as a motor neuron.

What type of neuron carries information to muscles and glands?

It is a set of nerves called the Motor Nerves that deliver signals to the muscles.