

What has a wet area that has grass growing in it?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The septic tank, which may be so full of solids that the tile field has become unable to disburse the waste water.

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Q: What has a wet area that has grass growing in it?
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Some lawn care tips for growing grass in a grassless area include not walking in the area and watering a lot. It will be green in no time. Plant Flowers XD weed and water and SUN. homieeeee

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Most likely in a garden or long grass or a wet...swampy area

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grass growing is a physical change.

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depends on what you mean by good grass, for example, do you mean tall grass or a short grassed meadow, is the area dry or is it a wet climate, if you mean short grassy meadow w/ a wet climate it could be once every couple hours, but if dry grassy area then it could be less

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Its wet because the water from the grass comes up to the grass.

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creature that feeds on growing grass or herbage?

What do you call a tall grass with slender stem and that grows in a wet area called?

there are many types, but a very common one is called "zebra grass". This grass however also has horizontal stripes on it's reeds.

Why is the grass wet in the morning What part of the cycle is that?

Grass is wet because of condensation. Vapors get converted into water droplets.

How much does a cubic meter of wet grass weigh?

The weight of a cubic meter of wet grass can vary depending on factors such as moisture content and density of the grass. On average, wet grass may weigh around 400-800 kilograms per cubic meter.

How would you investigate the variety of grasses around the school?

This experimental investigation will involve some sampling. You could make a straight line across an area of grass, and at 1m intervals along this line, you could determine how many of each type of grass is growing in a 100mm square round your chosen points.You could expect the grass type to vary according to whether it is in shade or sun, whether it has foot traffic or not. Wet area or dry. And similar variables.You'll have to identify the types of grass from a book, and your science teacher, or your librarian will be able to help here.

How do you get wet with out grass getting wet to?

poo and peas work i tried it my self