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Q: What has been called the language of science?
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What is the science of language called?


What language is used when scientist speak?

The modern language of science is English. In the past German, French, and Latin have been the language of science.

What is commonly called the language of science?


What would happen to science if there was no language?

if there was no language we could have never shared news , views and ideas . these ideas would lead to invention . so if there was no language there would have been no science.

Is language is more important than science?

Both language and science are important in their own ways. Language is crucial for communication, expression, and understanding, while science is essential for discovery, innovation, and problem-solving. Both play unique and valuable roles in our lives and society.

Is mathematics the language of science?

Yes, Mathematics is the language of Science. Mathematics is referred to as the language of science because it summarizes science in numbers.

Why is science a universal language?

Because Science is based on facts. It can be called the "quest for the truth". And no matter where you go facts will remain the same. The laws and principles of Science do not change no matter where you go - therefore the "universal language". and because they are cute

Why is the language of science the better part of science?

no sciecnce is better then the other but language is reqiered to have science

Is math really the language of science or is it a superstition?

Math is really the language of science.

What language does the word science belong to?

the word science belong to Greek language.

What is science in child's language?

There is no such thing as "childs language" if you are refering to a British child then science would be refered to as science.

How are triangles used in science?

Triangles are an important part of mathematics (there is a whole branch of mathematics devoted to the study of triangles, called trigonometry) and mathematics is the language of science.