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Q: What has been the effect of glaciers on Canada's landscape?
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What is a glaciated landscape?

A glaciated landscape is an area that has been shaped and modified by the movement of glaciers. This includes features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, moraines, drumlins, and erratics created by the erosion and deposition of materials by glaciers. Glaciated landscapes often have distinct topographic features and evidence of past glaciation.

How have glaciers affected the landscape of Michigan and has it been good for the economy?

The glaciers created the great lakes. Without the Great Lakes, there wouldn't be many places to fish. That's all I can think of right now, sorry if i wasn't of much help.

Why you should study glaciers?

Glaciers may seem like an unimportant, uninteresting topic, but it has made significant changes to the landscape in nearly every area of the world. Even what are today very warm areas, glaciers could have existed millions of years ago. Results of glaciers include "U" shaped valleys with the edges scratched/polished by the things the glaciers carries. Glaciers also have incredible moving strength. Boulders have been known to be moved hundreds of miles from their original position.

Has Florida been covered by glaciers?


Are most of the world's glaciers advancing retreating or remaining stable?

Most of the world's glaciers are retreating. The glaciers have been retreating slowly since 1850 but since 1980 they have been melting at much faster rates.

What is the primary effect of glacial deposition?

Huge boulders strung across the landscape that are out of place had been deposited there by a glacier which had moved them from several hundred miles away.

What is a glaciers made of?

Glaciers are made of ice that has been formed a long time ago.

What was the landscape during the Boston massacre?

It was in the city so the landscape would have been buildings and such.

What is Stephen Wiltshire famous for drawing?

Stephen Wiltshire is famous for drawing landscape drawings. He has been diagnosed with autism and has been recognized for his ability to draw a landscape purely from memory after only seeing the landscape one time.

Why have glaciers been important to shaping the Canadian land?

they helped form land.

What physical features would you find in an area that has been eroded by glaciers?


Do valley glaciers exist?

Yes, for over thousands of years snow, ice and glaciers have been slowly moving. In the process they make a deep valley or gorge from all the erosion.