

What has been the history of rockets?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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The history of modern rocketry began during WW 2. German engineers were able to design rockets that were capable of reaching England from Germany and these rockets had warheads that would explode on contact. The Germans advanced from their V-1 rocket to a more powerful V-2 rocket. Using WW 2 airplanes as the British did, to try and intercept a rocket was near impossible. What saved the British was that the warheads used by the Germans were small compared to the damage a group pf German bombers could inflict with massive bombing attacks on London, for example. Also, the number of rocket launches the Germans could muster were relatively small. After WW 2, the Soviets and the USA each took German rocket scientists back to their nations and used German expertise to develop stonger and more powerful rockets. These rockets were not however, used for attacking. They were used as a defensive mechanism to discourage attacks.

Later, rocketry advanced to the level of allowing space travel. The most impressive use of rocketry was allowing the USA to land men on the moon.

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