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air is has more particles cause it covers all the earth vs the particles in cold water

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Q: What has more energy particles in cold water or in the air?
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Why do the tea particles spread out quicker in hot water then cold water?

This can be explained using particle theory. The hotter the water is, the more energy the water has. The more energy the water has, the more its particles will move. Therefore, the the hotter water is, the more its particles move. Because the particles move more and faster, they 'bump into' more tea particles, which causes the tea particles to move more. The more the tea particles move, the quicker they will spread through the water and the quicker they can diffuse.

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Of course. When something is hotter than something else, it means it has more energy, which also means it's particles are moving more. The particles of the water will bump into whatever your trying to melt and give it some of the particle's energy, which hopefully will be enough make it become a liquid as well. The hotter the water the more energy it has, and the more quickly it can melt "things".

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The particles have most energy in particles in steam. In a gas. the particles move more freely, Therefore, there is more energy in the steam. :D LOL

How did the Brownian motion develop a theory about heat and temperature?

when heat is added to cold water, the particles starts to move around. The particles now have more energy for motion. The temperature of the water also rises from the movement of the particles.

How did the brownian motion help develop a theory about heat and temperature?

when heat is added to cold water, the particles starts to move around. The particles now have more energy for motion. The temperature of the water also rises from the movement of the particles.

How is the friction in a cold basketball different from a warm basketball?

If something is warm the Particles in that object are moving around more, I.E If you heat Ice it becomes water, water is the same as ice only because the particles have more energy they move around more. So because the Warmer particles are moving around more they are creating more friction than that of the particles in the cold basket ball.

Do particles in a cold river have more energy than particles in the air?

No because the particles in the air are more spaced out than the ones in the cold river also makeing it faster than the particles in the river.

What makes patrticles spread out faster in hot water then in cold water?

In warmer water, particles generally have more energy. This makes them move faster, and so spread out faster.

If there is lots of particles in copperis there more energy or less energy?

water has the more energy. ice has less energy.

Can hot or cold water hold more salt?

Hot water will hold more salt than cold water, because solubility of solids is proportional to temperature. That is, it increases with temperature.

How are particles in cold water different from particles in hot water?

One of the particle theory's points is that there are unseen spaces between particles, another is that particles are always moving. Therefore, combining those two points, the more the particles move, the bigger the spaces between them which is to say that, take oxygen and mercury for example, oxygen is a gas at room temperature, therefore, the particles are moving faster than that of mercury, which is liquid at room temperature, meaning that, they have different densities