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Q: What has more inertia 10 kilograms of feathers or 6 kilograms of lead?
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What has more mass 10 kilograms of feathers or 6 kilograms of lead?

10 kg is greater than 6 kg. kg is the unit of mass. Hence feather has more mass than lead in this case.

What is unot of inertia?

The word is "unit", not "unot". You can use kilograms (or any other unit of mass) for inertia. The more kilograms an object has, the greater its inertia.

Which one has more volume a pound of feathers or lead?

The feathers "take up more room" than the lead. It would be hard to compress the feathers to make them as dense as lead. The feathers have more volume.

How many kilograms are in thirty-four liters?

If it's water then 34 kilograms, otherwise it depends entirely on the substance. 34 liters of lead will weigh a whole lot more than 34 liters of feathers...

What weighs more a ton of feathers or 1000 kilograms of gold?

They weigh the same, a ton is equivelant to 1000 Kilograms, if it helps you will need a lot more of feathers than Gold to make a ton

Which weighs more 125 pounds of cement or 60 kilograms of feather?

Trick question? The 60 kilograms (a little more than 132 pounds) of feathers weigh more!

What is denser a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?

Lead is more dense than feathers. It doesn't matter how much you have of either one. A chip of lead is more dense than a 10-mile convoy of trucks loaded with feathers.

Which takes up more room a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?

A pound of feathers because feathers are less dense than lead and therefore take up more volume for the same mass.

What measures how hard it is to slow or stop an object?

It all depends on its acceleration, velocity, speed and its mass. The faster somthing goes, the more time it takes to slow down. To slow the same onject down fater, more force has to be applied in the opposite direction. A less massive object [lighter] takes less time to slow down than a more massive object [heavier].

Which weighs more 69.0 have gotten this question correct 125 pounds of cement 60 kilograms of feathers?

60 kilograms has a greater mass.

Why does 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feathers?

lead is much more dense than feathers, so 1 kg of lead occupies much less space (volume) than 1 kg of feathers

Which has the most mass volume a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

A pound of feathers has more mass. The are lighter so they would take up more space to make a pound.