

What has more potential energy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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The factors that affect an object's gravitational potential energy are its height relative to some reference point, its mass, and the strength of the gravitational field it is in. You didn't say what two things you want to compare.

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The red part of that cube has more potential because it has more movements.

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Q: What has more potential energy?
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What is a form of potential energy?

There are three main types of potential energy: elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and chemical potential energy. Elastic potential energy is stored in objects that can either be stretched or compressed. The more the object is stretched or compressed, the more elastic potential energy it'll have.

Which mass has more potential energy?

A more massive objects have a greater gravitational potential energy.

How can potential energy be increased and decreased?

Potential energy is pretty much the potential for kinetic energy. The less kinetic energy there is, the more potential... On the other hand, if you need gravitational potential energy, then the higher the object is placed above the ground, the more GPE it has.

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A skier at the top has more potential energy

What is a energy of a object has because of its location or its condition?

"potential" energy.

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By filling the dam with more water, because by doing that it gains more gravitational potential energy which is the same as potential energy.

How does height effect the potential energy of an object?

the higher an object is the more potential energy it has

Does something have grater speed when it has more potential energy or less?

It can be a little complicated but I'll do my best to explain.Quick Vocab: potential energy - the stored energy in an object because of its position, shape, or condition. Kinetic energy - the energy of an object due to its motion. The more potential energy an object has the more Kinetic energy it will have. Basically when the object is moved the potential energy is released and becomes kinetic energy. As the kinetic energy (speed) increases the Potential energy decreases.So yes, when the potential energy decreases the speed increases.

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the higher the potential energy, the more is the stability....

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The higher it is located, the more potential energy it has.

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The potential energy gets less until the ball gets to the bottom of the hill, at which point the potential energy is zero. The potential energy that is lost, gets converted to Kinetic energy of the ball that goes faster and faster as it gets more and more of the Potential energy.

How are potential energy and stability related?

the higher the potential energy, the more is the stability....