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Q: What has roads but no cars hills but no trees river but not water?
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What are some human interactions in Beijing China?

Some interactions are: Building roads, cutting down trees, digging tunnels, leveling hills, building buildings, skyscrapers, polluting the atmosphere, surviving with little water, and littering.

What Northeast trees will soak up the most water in our backyard?

Willows and Poplars are seriously water-hungry trees.

Why does a river during a heavy flood transport trees and large boulders?

When you increase the amount of water in a river, it flows faster. A fast moving current in water carries an enormous amount of momentum, capable of moving large objects. TeamDianite for life join for epic minecraft factions/mianite server you know you want to

Do humans cause floods?

Humans can cause floods, for example when a reservoir is created by a dam. Some Human recourses that impact floods are things like houses and roads, when humans build houses and roads in the drainage basin, they put impermeable surfaces on top of the soil. This means that water cannot soak into the soil, so instead, the rainwater runs very quickly over ground and reaches the river all at once, creating a flood. Another thing that causes floods is when humans cut down trees in the drainage basin, it makes it harder for rain water to soak into the soil. So instead rainwater runs very quickly over ground and, again, reaches the river all at once. So the answer to your question is yes, humans can cause floods.

Why does it flood where there are not many trees around?

because there is less trees to absorb water

Related questions

What are Hills at the edge of a river basin called?

water shed

What are some human interactions in Beijing China?

Some interactions are: Building roads, cutting down trees, digging tunnels, leveling hills, building buildings, skyscrapers, polluting the atmosphere, surviving with little water, and littering.

What is the land like in michigan?

Fields, some hills, lots of water, and trees.

What are natural resources found in hills?

water trees oil gas minerals

Why did the founders of Rome chose hills near the Tiber river to build ther city?

The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.The hills were chosen for defensive purposes and the river was used for vital water and in some cases travel to the interior for war and trade.

It is a body of water that has its source in the hills and flows over the land towards the sea?

A river, except it doesn't always have its source in the hills

Why it rains more where more trees are?

Because trees grow near rivers to get water to the trees. Then the clouds absorbed the river water and form raindrops which fall.

Why are there trees planted near reservoir?

roots of trees can prevent soil erosion (which may potentially pollute the river) trees can get water from reservoir trees prevent erosion of outer bank of reservior due to river meandering

What did Romans bild?

The Romans built the Roman Coliseum. They also created a network of roads to make crossing water and hills easier.

Why do trees grow next to rivers?

trees are important alone the river because when a flood flows alone the river the trees will stop soil erosion

Why are some roads called ferry's?

Roads called "ferry" typically refer to historic roads that used to connect to a ferry crossing water. The name is a remnant of the past when travelers had to take a ferry across a river or body of water to continue their journey.

How Might Logging of Trees Pollute A River?

the debre of the trees can get into the water system or even some chemicals off the machines