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James W. Cortada has written:

'Making the information society' -- subject(s): Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Information technology, Information society, Information technology, Social aspects, Social aspects of Information technology

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4mo ago

James W. Cortada is a prominent author known for his works on the history of information technology, specifically focusing on IBM's impact on business and society. He has written numerous books including "IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon" and "The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries."

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9y ago

Raul Cortez has written:

'Raul Cortez' -- subject(s): Actors, Biography, Motion pictures, Motion picture producers and directors, History

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9y ago

James F. Pereda has written:

'Official prenotification and canon 377 #5' -- subject(s): Church and state, Appointment, call, and election, Bishops, Catholic Church

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