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Well lot's of people knows that tiger(they have a bite force that is over 1,000 psi Of force and 2nd strongest in the feliade which means the cats) as the largest and Most powerful of all the cats in the world.

The bite force is linked to the size of an animal.

In this case the jaguar(they bite force is around 1500 p.s.i of force) has stronger Bite because they have more adapted skull and more muscular jaws that are used To killing their prey in a single bite(this is the real meaning of the jaguar) through the skull which is diffrent from other Cats that used to kill their prey

By suffcation and broking the windpipe or the spinal chord of their prey.

The jaguar bite force is so powerful it can crush tutles shells(a lion with a biteforce Of 950 psi and a tiger with a bite that's over 1,000 psi can't and not able even penetrate And making a large hole inside the turtles shell).

Another thing about the jaguar they are pound to pound(i know that sound nuts But it's true!) the most muscular of all cats and the most powerful consider is size ( If the jagaur was in the size of a African lion or even Bengal tiger it could whip their Asses pretty easly).

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Q: What has the more bite force tiger or jaguar?
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