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Q: What has very thin walls that are easily damaged?
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Why must air sac walls be very thin?

so the air can go thought it easily

Describe the structure of a capillary wall?

capillary walls are very thin, often a cell thick. artery walls have two thick layers.

What has very thin cell walls?

sorry can't tell you! :\

Why are capillaries the site of material exchange between the cells and blood?

The walls of capillaries are very thin allowing the nutrients of cells to diffuse through them. They facilitate the diffusion of nutrients to the body by passing them through their cell walls.

Why capillaries have a single layer of epithelial cells?

it is because for the diffusion of water and oxygen molecules

Why do you have to be careful when using the Bayeux Tapestry?

because it is very old and could easily be damaged.

Can you pull out someone's eardrum?

The eardrum is very thin and can easily be damaged if you put something in your ear, for instance a q-tip. a hit directly to the ear can also damage the eardrum, it usually heals after a week or two

What pesticide damaged the eggs of the American bald eagle?

The pesticide that damages bald eagle eggs is DDT because the bald eagle eats things that have DDT in them then they lay eggs and their eggs have very thin shells that crack easily. Your welcome

Why are video games so easy to break?

the disc is very thin and can scratch easily

How does the epithelium tissue make up the lungs?

You can find simple squamous epithelial tissue in alveoli in lungs. The reason of it, is that simple squamous cells are very thin and they pass the gases through very easily. As you know the alveoli's' role is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, thin walls help to do it quicker.

Ability to break easily?

easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail: a fragile ceramic container; a very fragile alliance.